During September 17 and September 19, 2019 the Joint TC1 - TC2 International Symposium on Photonics and Education in Measurement Science in collaboration with the Conference on Optical Fibre & Photonic Sensors for Industrial & Safety Applications (OFSIS) took place in Jena, Germany. The conference was held in the Technologie- und Innovationspark Jena GmbH on the Beutenberg Campus.
The conference consisted the following scientific and industrial related topics:
Education & Training in Measurement & Instrumentation
Applied Photonics for Science & Engineering in Industry, Biology, Medicine & Environment
Sensor & System Characterization in Photonics & Machine Vision
Photonics & Machine Vision Sensors and Systems for Multimodal Sensing
Photonics & Machine Vision in UV, VIS/NIR, SWIR Wavelength Range and also LWIR & THz
Software & Processing of Multivariate & Multidimensional Data as well as Deep Learning
Development of Models, Methods & Algorithms in Photonics and Machine Vision
Please use the following links to get access to presentations, pictures and videos provided by the SpectroNet Collaboration Cluster Academy and SPIE Digital Library:
Initiated by the technical committees TC1 Education and Training in Measurement and Instrumentation and TC2 Photonics of IMEKO International Measurement Confederation and organized by the Group for Quality Assurance and Industrial Image Processing of the Technische Universität Ilmenau the conference was a big success and provided innovative contributions about photonics and education in measurement science from scientists and industrial experts (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Participants of the Joint TC1 - TC2 International Symposium on Photonics and Education in Measurement Science 2019
During the three conference days more than 80 participants have joined the conference from 14 different nations worldwide. We feel very much delighted for such a support and wish all of the participants only the best (Figure 2).
All submitted contributions have been peer-reviewed. The conference consisted in total 40 oral and 12 poster presentations which have been organized in 9 single-track sessions. Furthermore there where two scientific Keynotes from Prof. Dr. Gunther Notni about „5D Imaging: Multispectral and multimodal 3D sensor technologies“ on 17 September and Prof. Dr. Bernd Jähne about „Photonics meets Image Processing: EMVA's standards 1288 for camera characterization and the new Open Optics Camera Interface Standard OOCI“ on 18 September 2019.

Figure 2: Presentation and poster area during the Joint TC1 - TC2 International Symposium on Photonics and Education in Measurement Science 2019
In total there are now 48 full paper publications within the SPIE Digital Library open accessible available. To get access to the conference proceedings in the SPIE Digital Library please use the following link here.
The scientific/technical program was complemented by a scientific tour on 18 September 2019 through the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Participants of the conference at the entrance hall of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF
Besides the scientific and social program two exiting social events have been planned to support the scientific and social exchange of the participants. On conference day one the conference shuttle has driven the participants after the poster session with beer and wine to the event location „Zeiss-Planetarium“ and the participants could eat dinner. Later on all participants were invited to enjoy the program „Space Rock Symphony“ (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Participants of the conference at the Zeiss-Planetarium
The conference day two finished with the shuttle transfer from the conference venue to the event location „Zur Noll“ where everyone of the participants had the chance to enjoy an „Thuringian Barbecue“ (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Conference participants enjoying the „Thuringian Barbecue“
On conference day three the Joint TC1 and TC2 Committee Meeting - Collaborative thinking about photonics and education in measurement science took place to sum up the conference and to give an outlook on further activities.
During the conference the research group of “Qualimess - Next Generation” showed their latest developments concerning Intelligent Digital Multichannel Image Capturing and Processing.
The TC1 committee will be active in 2020 for the preparation and organization of the IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13-TC18 Symposium 2020 which will be held from July 1 to July 3, 2020 in Warsaw, Poland. Further information can be found here: http://www.imeko-warsaw-2020.org.
Special thanks go to the Staff of the Group for Quality Assurance and Industrial Image Processing, the SpectroNet Team, the Staff of Technologie- und Innovationspark Jena GmbH and the members of TC1 and TC2 for joining and supporting this conference.
Also, we want to thank our partners, sponsors and supporters for their support preparing and performing this conference (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Supporter and organizer of the conference