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Purpose & Tasks of SpectroNet


The purpose of SpectroNet is to strengthen companies, institutes and institutions in Thuringia, Germany and worldwide that are active in the field of photonic measurement engineering for quality assurance (PMQ). Examples are photonic image acquisition and image processing, machine vision and imaging as well as photonic spectroscopy and spectrometry.


SpectroNet TagCloud


The purpose of the Cluster for its members shall be achieved in particular through the following activities:

  1. ​Active cluster management through networking of cluster partners and their customers to promote joint scientific, technical, economic and social progress at local, national and international levels.

  2. Implementation, expansion and management of an open digital information, communication and user platform for the mobile digital networking of local, national and international players from the PMQ sector for the promotion of research, development and application skills.    

  3. Implementation, expansion and administration of a training and user centre at the Jena location for the implementation of PMQ-specific training and further education measures in a SpectroNet Application Academy and for the expansion of the research, development and application competencies of the cluster partners to promote their innovative capability and activity.

  4. The organization of a PMQ network for the exchange of ideas and experience between developers, manufacturers, suppliers and users of PMQ components and systems in hardware and software as well as services.

  5. Representation of interests and economic promotion of cluster partners in the field of PMQ vis-à-vis legislators, authorities, institutions, national and international interest groups as well as the public and the media.

  6. Independent organisation and moderation of strategy workshops and conferences for the targeted transfer of knowledge and technology in PMQ between the actors involved. Continuous participation in PMQ-specific trade fairs, congresses, conferences and specialist forums for obtaining and disseminating up-to-date information on knowledge transfer to the cluster partners.   

  7. Developing and forwarding adapted support services of external knowledge carriers to profile and promote the local, national and international competitiveness of the cluster partners and their customers.

  8. Local, national and international networking with other networks and clusters outside the PMQ sector (cross-clustering) and initiation of transnational collaborations between the actors involved, including the initiation of collaborative projects.

  9. To pursue its objectives, the Cluster may extend its activities to non-members and thus acquire membership in corporations, institutions, foundations, trade associations and associations. Moreover, the cluster's sphere of activity is not limited to Germany.


SpectroNet Information


about trends & developments

SpectroNet Communication


with experts & institutions

SpectroNet Collaboration


for sustainable growth

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