On 08 June 2021, the SpectroNet Collaboration Conference (SCC) was held in cooperation with Wiley Industry Days as an online event. Leading experts from photonic sensor research and development gave insights into currently running and completed projects. Novel sensor concepts and arrangements as well as a look into the future how the market of image processing could develop in the coming 10 years were presented.
If you were not able to attend the event, you can watch the presentations on demand on our Vimeo Channel.
We would like to thank the Wiley Industry Days team for their excellent preparation and for providing the technical platform for SSC 2021.
The next SpectroNet conference, which is planned as a hybrid event in Jena (Germany), is expected to take place in early October 2021. The exact date and agenda will be published soon.
All presentations of the SCC2021 can be watched here!