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Perception Park introduces the latest chemical colour imaging application fields

Machine vision technology has gone through a constant development process over the past decades. Starting with monochrome cameras, which use differences in contrast for defect detection, imaging technology has advanced to increasingly precise colour cameras revealing even the smallest colour deviation.

After colour imaging and the subsequent 3D imaging, Chemical Colour Imaging (CCI) takes this technological evolution to the next level. The software technology makes complex hyperspectral data on a molecular level usable for machine vision.

Our Cluster Partner Perception Park offers an intuitive software: Perception Studio. The Perception Studio provides encapsulated scientific methods of hyperspectral analysis intuitively accessible to everyone. The machine vision community is now enabled to develop and configure own applications independently.

Fig. 1: Real-time inspection using Chemical Sensing for heartwood, sapwood, knots and wood defects (Copyright Perception Park GmbH)

Your customer value:

  • Chemical Colour Imaging represents a new processing technology, which combines essential advantages of the basic technologies of hyperspectral imaging and colour imaging. It makes chemical material properties accessible for the machine vision applications.

  • A dramatic simplification in handling, as well as the opportunity for real-time processing of highly complex hyperspectral camera data, are the key for the extensive industrial use of hyperspectral cameras.

  • The abstraction of highly complex spectral information through chemical features represented by colour and monochrome images, makes handling of hyperspectral cameras on a deep level accessible and interpretable.

  • By the generic, configurable Perception System, new applications do not need to be programmed from scratch. Instead, endless applications are configured with one platform and development times are reduced up to 95%.

  • The Perception System provides encapsulated scientific methods of hyperspectral analysis intuitively accessible to everyone. The machine vision community is now enabled to develop and configure own applications independently, without consulting experts of chemometrics or spectroscopy.

  • Market and customer know-how of the user remain in-house and own market positions are solidified and expanded.

  • By standard interfaces like GigE Vision or CameraLink the user can independently choose the best camera from any supplier.

  • CCI information can be processed by any vision system. Thus, a hyperspectral camera may be integrated into already existent solutions like sorting machines that already uses colour or monochrome cameras.

There are many examples for the industrial use in the food industry, the quality assurance, circular economy and real-time inspection.

For more information visit the homepage of Perception Park.

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