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Writer's pictureSascha Lummitsch

3++ GmbH is launching the LearnFFZ research project

Autonomous industrial trucks: Can AI replace the driver's experience?

Our Clusterpartner 3++ GmbH is launching the LernFFZ research project!

Experienced drivers of industrial trucks are characterised by their flexibility, speed of action and high level of comprehension. Their expertise is crucial for the performance of in-house transport. However, today's logistics are undergoing radical change: a resilient, highly available, dynamic and flexible supply chain is required, which must also be cost-effective. Companies are meeting this requirement in part with outsourcing, the use of temporary labour and automated driverless transport systems.

The experience of the driver is still superior to the current state of autonomous AGVs. In order to pick up a load, the AGV must be positioned precisely and react flexibly to disturbances such as a tilted pallet. The aim of LernFFZ is to develop a semi-autonomous process control system for FFZs in complex production and logistics processes using imitation learning. The AI should be able to specify and independently carry out driving movements based on the expertise of experienced drivers.

3++ GmbH is looking forward to work together with STILL, IPH - Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH and the Institute of Transport and Automation Technology.

For more information visit our clusterpartner website!

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