10 June 2019: CI Systems appoints Delta Optical Thin Film A/S as worldwide and exclusive distributor for their range of Circular Variable Filters
CI Systems, world leading manufacturer of infrared and optical test equipment, including unique Circular Variable Filters, and Delta Optical Thin Film A/S, world leading manufacturer of Continuously Variable Filters, are pleased to announce that they have signed a distribution contract, which makes Delta Optical Thin Film the exclusive, global distributor of CI Systems’s Circular Variable Filters.
Dario Cabib Ph. D., CI System’s CTO, commented: “CI Systems is very pleased to appoint Delta Optical Thin Film as global distribution partner for its Circular Variable Filters. DOTF is clearly the market leader for Continuously Variable Filters, and their products are perfectly complemented by our Circular Variable Filters. With Delta Optical Thin Film’s strong technology leadership and market position in this field we are expecting a bright future together.”
Dr.-Ing. Oliver Pust, Delta Optical Thin Film’s Director Sales and Marketing, commented: “We have experienced a lot of interest for our range of market leading Continuously Variable Filters. However, for numerous applications Circular Variable Filters are the best solution. Now our customers have the choice between circular and linear variable filters. We anticipate continuous strong growth and are extremely proud to be working together with CI Systems.”
About CI Systems
CI Systems was founded in 1977 to commercialize advanced infrared (IR) remote sensing technology. Shortly after the company was founded CI became the leader in infrared spectroradiometry for remote sensing of the atmosphere, signature analysis and ground truth measurements.
In the 80’s CI Systems grew to include two divisions. The Electro-Optics (E-O) division develops and commercializes MIL-Standard E-O precision test equipment for all stages in the product life cycle including airborne built-in test equipment. CI’s products range from standard off-the-shelf instruments to customized electro-optical test systems. The semiconductor division develops and commercializes optical monitoring equipment for wafers and photovoltaic solar cell manufacturing. Its products include noncontact temperature monitors and liquid monitoring systems.
CI Systems has facilities for R&D, production, customer support and sales in Migdal HaEmek, Israel and Carrolton, Texas, . In addition, CI has a sales service, support and manufacturing facility in Paris, France. CI Systems employs 150 workers, including a large percentage of physicists, chemists and engineers. The company sells in most Western and Far Eastern countries through agreements with local sales representatives. For close to 40years CI has never let its customers down. CI is a company to be counted on.
About Delta Optical Thin Film
Delta Optical Thin Film is the leading supplier of advanced, high performance continuously variable filters commonly used in a variety of biomedical imaging applications including fluorescence microscopy, Hyperspectral Imaging, compact spectrometers, monochromators and micro-plate readers among others.
Delta Optical Thin Film also provides; single, multiband, laser-line and broadband band pass filters; long pass filters; short pass filters; dichroic and polarizing beam splitters along with other custom coated optical components.
Delta Optical Thin Film offers a wide range of high efficiency durable hard coated filters that have set the standard for high performance and precise operation. With its unique design tools and decades of experience, Delta is able to provide highly competitive standard filters and customized filters and optical components to exacting customer specific applications.
Trade show
LASER World of PHOTONICS at Messe Munich, Germany, booth B1/638
Contact Information
CI Systems (Israel) Ltd.
P.O.Box 147
Migdal Ha'Emek 10551
ph +972 4-644-8888
fx+972 4-654-3570
Delta Optical Thin Film A/S
Venlighedsvej 4
2970 Hørsholm
ph +45 70 70 71 46