Gigahertz Optik GmbH


Gigahertz Optik GmbH
An der Kaelberweide 12, 82299 Tuerkenfeld
+49 8193 93700-0

Gigahertz Optik GmbH provides more than thirty years of experience in the development, production, calibration and distribution of optical radiation measurement equipment. We are globally recognized experts in the entire optical spectral range from ultraviolet (UV) to infrared (IR).
As a medium-sized manufacturer, we offer a high level of flexibility and respond to the needs of our customers and markets. We always try to help our customers in being successful. Our company has earned worldwide recognition through the individual and intensive support of our customers in many areas of research and industry. We are also part of the Berghof Group, which offers us very good framework conditions and allows long-term planning.
With a wide range of products from detectors, spectroradiometers, homogeneous light sources to entire measurement systems paired with a large selection of accessory components such as calibration standards, we can fulfill just about any application in optical radiation metrology. We also specialize in custom solutions which further broadens our scope.
Our fields of application are diverse including but not limited to measurement solutions for UV radiation, SSL characterization, measurement of general and special lighting, assessment of optical radiation risk, measurement of solar radiation and photomedicine, characterization of image sensors or the optical determination of material properties.

UV/VIS/IR Broadband Detectors
UV/VIS/IR Spectroradiometers
Integrating Sphere Detectors
Uniform Integrating Sphere Light Source
Laboratory Measurement System
Reflection, Absorption, Transmission Measurement Systems
Calibration Standards, Light Sources, Detectors and Reflection Standards
Automated Systems
Customizes Systems and Services
For more information follow this link:
Gigahertz Optik GmbH offers a wide range of solutions for different light measurement applications. We are specialists on this fields:
LED manufacturing and assembling
General and special lighting
Light hazard
Solar radiation
UV radiation
Laser radiation measurements
Image sensor
Optical material properties
For more information follow this link:

Support & Services
DAkkS Calibrations:
Spectral irradiance
Spectral sensitivity
DAkkS accreditation D-KL-15047 (DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018)
Annex to the Accreditation Certificate D-KL-15047 (DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018)
DAkkS Testing:
DAkkS accreditation D-PL-15047 (DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018)
Annex to the Accreditation Certificate D-PL-15047 (DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018)
Factory Calibrations:
All photometric and radiometric parameters traceable to a National Metrology Institute (NMI) such as PTB or NIST
Current calibrations
Contract measurements such as f2 field of view (Cos FOV) and many more

Sebastian Seuferling
Head of Technical Sales
An der Kälberweide 12,
82299 Türkenfeld, Germany
+49 8193 9370077